A popular example is the combination of Silver Rathalos Essence and Namielle Divinity. This allows to combine set bonus effects that require six pieces of equipment in total, of which five are covered by armor pieces. Set bonus abilities count as one piece towards a given armor set skill. Note the Handicraft skill adds another ten units of sharpness per skill level. Sharpness upgrades can extend a Safi'jiiva Weapon's white sharpness from 40 units up to 120 units, while all upgrades exceeding 80 units yield purple sharpness. An exception are Greatswords and Hammers (GS/H), for which the attack upgrades at tier V and VI are slightly lower. Safi'jiiva Weapons start with 270 raw damage, so awakening three attack abilities of tier V brings them en par with Lightbreak Weapons.
For attack, sharpness, affinity, status or elemental damage, a maximum of one tier VI and four tier V abilities can be stacked. Otherwise, any combination of up to five abilities is possible. Note that further upgrades from Augmentations can be applied independently. Above tables gives an overview of awakened abilities.